1. Definition:
Osgood-Schlatter disease is a common condition that affects children, particularly those who are going through growth spurts during adolescence. It's characterized by pain and swelling in the area just below the knee, where the patellar tendon attaches to the shinbone (tibia).
2. Principal Causes:
The primary cause of Osgood-Schlatter disease is repetitive stress or overuse of the quadriceps muscles, which can strain the developing bones and tendons in the knee area. Activities that involve running, jumping, or sudden changes in direction, such as those commonly seen in sports like soccer, basketball, and gymnastics, can exacerbate the condition.
3. Symptoms:
Symptoms of Osgood-Schlatter disease typically include:
- Pain and swelling: The most common symptom is pain and swelling over the tibial tubercle, which is the bony bump just below the knee cap.
- Tenderness: The area may be tender to the touch.
- Worsening pain with activity: Pain may worsen during physical activities that involve bending or straightening the knee.
4. Our Treatment in EvivaPHYSIO:
As a physiotherapy clinic, our treatment approach for Osgood-Schlatter disease may include:
- Rest and activity modification: Advising rest and avoiding activities that exacerbate pain to allow the affected area to heal.
- Ice therapy: Applying ice packs to the affected area to reduce pain and swelling.
- Pain management: Recommending over-the-counter pain relievers to alleviate discomfort.
- Stretching and strengthening exercises: Designing a personalized exercise program to stretch and strengthen the muscles around the knee, particularly the quadriceps and hamstrings, to provide support and stability to the affected area.
- Education and prevention: Providing education about Osgood-Schlatter disease, including its causes, symptoms, and management strategies, to parents, coaches, and young athletes to promote healthy development and prevent further complications.
Our goal is to optimize recovery, alleviate pain, and promote healthy development, allowing children and adolescents to return to their normal activities safely and effectively. We work closely with other healthcare providers, including orthopedic specialists, to ensure comprehensive care and achieve the best possible outcomes for our patients.